Setting Environmental or Climate Related Targets
You can set targets regarding emissions (by scope or total), water use, waste, and renewable energy.
Last updated
You can set targets regarding emissions (by scope or total), water use, waste, and renewable energy.
Last updated
To set a sustainability target, navigate to the Targets tab in the Goals Module and select "+ Add Target".
Fill in the information about the type of target you'd like to create and select "Save".
Name: Name your target
Target Type
Target: Select "Target" if your organization has a specific goal that you'd like to achieve
Scenario: Select "Scenario" if you'd like to see how your emissions would affect the Paris Climate Agreement's goal of not raising global temperatures by more than 2°C, but you don't necessarily have a defined goal.
Internal: Select if this is an internal organization goal
SBT-Near-term: Select if this is a Science Based Target that your organization is focusing on for the next 5-10 years
SBT-Long-term: Select if this is a Science Based Target that aligns to SBTi's Net-Zero Standard for companies to produce close to zero emissions by 2050
Scenario: Select if you would like to track how your emissions contribute to the Paris Climate Agreement to limit emissions in order to keep the global temperature from raising above 2°C
Scope: Select the scope of your target (all emissions, Scope 1 emissions, water, waste, etc.)
Status: Select the current status of your target. You will be able to update the status as needed.
1.5°C: The UN is actively pursing efforts to decrease emissions to limit global temperature increase to 1.5°C
2°C: The current long-term goal set in the Paris Climate Agreement to limit global temperature increase to 2°C
Baseline Type and Amount
Amount: If you aren't starting with much data and haven't measured your organization's emissions or resource use before, it may be best to find a standard baseline for your industry. You can then enter that Baseline Amount in the next field.
Year: If you would like to set your goals based off of emissions or resource use from previous years, you can use the year for your baseline to compare from year to year. You will not enter a baseline amount.
Baseline Year: This year is to be used as a baseline for your goal. Progress toward this goal will be compared against all data from this year. If you're using an industry standard for your baseline amount, select the year that the baseline was established
Target Year: Select the year that you wish to achieve this target by
Improvement: Enter the amount you wish to improve by
Color: Select a color for your target
Org Sustainability Target: Toggle "on" if you would like this to populate and inform your environmental projections and emissions reduction pathways in the Sustainability Module
Once your targets have been created, you'll see them listed in the Targets tab. If need to edit a target, select the icon next to the goal. Once you begin to add data in Brightest, you'll be able to see visuals of your sustainability goals in the Chart tab. You can also filter the charts to show specific emissions or resource use.