Uploading Transit Data
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Enter your Transit related items in Brightest to keep track of transportation related activity and carbon emissions. Transit related items can represent: transportation (downstream & upstream), order shipment, delivery, employee business travel, employee commute, mobile combustion (direct operations).
To enter transit items, navigate to your Sustainability Module. Then click on the "Transit" tab to open your transit library.
Transit items can be entered using the Add Tool or the CSV file importer.
Add Tool - Entering Transit items
CSV Importer - Entering Transit items
Transit section editing options
Transit section viewing options
Fields for entering a transit item are:
Enter the name of the transit item
Describe the transit item
Transit type
Select one of the transit type options: Transport (upstream) Transportation (downstream), Order shipment, Delivery, Employee business travel, Employee commute, Mobile combustion (direct operations), Sold travel (use of sold products)
Transportation type
Select one of the transportation types
Fuel type
Select the fuel type
Number of passengers or travelers
Enter the number of passengers or travelers
Split into separate trips (don't group passengers)
If you enter data for multiple passengers, you can "split" the transit item so that the carbon is calculated for each traveler. CSV importer: If you want Brightest to separate the trips, type "true" or "True". If you do not want Brightest to separate the trips, type "false" or "False". Note the importer is case sensitive.
Trip Class (for flights)
Yes (for flights)
For flight transit items, select the trip class e.g. economy, business, first or class
Auto-calculate emissions (Use api)
No / Yes
If you want Brightest to calculate the carbon emissions related to this transit item, click this feature "on". If you are using the csv file importer and want Brightest to auto-calculate CO2e, type "true" in the "Use api" column. If you do not want Brightest to auto-calculate CO2e, type "false".
If you want to enter direct carbon data, ensure the feature "Auto-calculate emissions" is clicked "off" and enter your carbon data in mtCO2e. Enter the carbon emissions in your csv file if you wish to enter direct carbon data.
Calculated MTCO2E
No - linked to "Auto-calculate emissions" feature
If you have the "Auto-calculate emissions" feature switched on, Brightest will show the calculated emissions in this field after the item has be save. Enter "True" for yes or "False" for no in your csv file.
Hotel stay
If you want to enter hotel data, ensure this feature is switched "on".
Hotel stay days
Enter the amount of hotel stay days.
Hotel stay country
Enter the country where the hotel is located.
Transit items can be linked assets from your asset library.
Transit items can be linked to partners from your partner library.
Emission factor
You have the option to select a custom emissions factor from your emissions factor library or have Brightest use a default emissions factor.
Meta tags
Transit items can be linked to meta tags. Be sure to create the tag in your account settings first.
Date assigned
Yes / No
Enter the date the transit item took place. It is possible to leave this field blank; however, this is not recommended since the emissions will not be linked to your gross annual emissions. If this field is left blank, you will see an error message "Invalid date" in the transit item.
Scope category
Distance unit
Select the distance unit meter (m), kilometers (km) or miles. (This is required even if you use airport codes. Brightest will calculate the air distance and show this in the flight record)
Flight length (for flights)
No (for flights)
Select the flight length of your trip, short-, medium- or long-haul flight
Use address and distance autocomplete
Brightest can auto-calculate the distance of your transit item. If you want to use this feature, enter the complete address of the transit start and end locations.
Start location
Yes - if feature "Use address and distance autocomplete" is enabled "on"
Enter full start location if the "Use address and distance autocomplete" feature is enabled on.
End location
Yes - if feature "Use address and distance autocomplete" is enabled "on"
Enter full end location if the "Use address and distance autocomplete" feature is enabled on.
Start airport (for flights)
Yes (for flights, if using the autocomplete function)
Enter the ICAO or IATA airport code and select from the dropdown menu
End airport (for flights)
Yes (for flights, if using the autocomplete function)
Enter the ICAO or IATA airport code and select from the dropdown menu
Yes - if "Use address and distance autocomplete" is enabled "off" (and you are not using airport codes for flights)
Enter the distance of the transit item.
If you entered direct carbon data, this field is still required. You can enter the value "1" as a place holder.
Round trip
Enable or switch on the option for "round trip" if you would like Brightest to calculate for a round trip transit item. CSV importer: If you have a round trip, type "true" or "True". If you do not have a round trip, type "false" or "False". Note the importer is case sensitive.
To enter Transit items using the "Add New" tool, navigate to the Transit tab of your Sustainability Module.
Click on the green "Add New" button in the top right corner of your Transit tab.
Fill out the Transit item form.
Once you click save, the transit item will be saved to your transit library.
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To bulk enter multiple transit items at one time, use the csv importer. Navigate to your Transit tab in the Sustainability Module.
Click on the gray button "CSV Import". This will open the csv importer.
Download the csv file template.
Fill out the information in the csv file template.
Upload the csv file to the csv file template and follow the field mapping and data review steps.
Once you click "save", the transit items will be saved to your transit library.
When you're importing data via .csv file, it's important to check that your data is clean and accurate before uploading. Because it's a .csv (comma separated value) file, make sure there aren't any extra commas in your fields that might be mistaken as a field divider.
Make sure that your data is formatted correctly and all required fields have been entered. If you receive an error message, be sure to double check your file. However, just because you see a red error message or don't receive the "Upload Successful" message, it doesn't always mean your upload wasn't successful.
Always be sure to first check the Transit data table to see if your data uploaded correctly even if you receive an error, or if for any reason you believe your data may not have been uploaded successfully. Double check whether data has been uploaded and saved to your account after you click "save" or "import" before you attempt saving again. There may be a slight delay in data upload due to internet speed or data volume.
Above all, please make sure you don't import the same data twice as this can cause duplicates.
If you are uploading large amounts of data (100+ rows), upon selecting "Save" after reviewing your data in the importer, you will receive a message that your import is processing. You will then be sent an email notification when the process is complete (5-15 minutes).
If your import was uploaded, you'll receive a message indicating that your import was successful.
If your file was unable to uploaded, you'll receive a message indicating the rows of your file that have errors. You can then correct your file and upload again.
Finally, take care to manage the size of your file. Always test an upload with a small file first, before attempting to import a larger file.
If you have any additional issues or questions, please contact Brightest support (support@brightest.io) for assistance.
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The transit section has a few different viewing and editing features that are described here.
Edit individual items: To edit an individual item, click on the item's white pencil symbol in the "Actions" column at the far right side. This will open the spend item form and allow you to edit the information. After clicking "save", the edits will be saved.
Bulk edit items: To edit multiple items at one time, check the box next to each item you want to edit.
Then click on the three black lines symbol in the top right menu bar. This will open the Bulk Edit Transit Data form. Select the field you would like to edit, then enter the new value and click "save".
To bulk delete items, check the box next to the items you want to delete. Then navigate to the three black lines symbol in the top right menu bar to open the Bulk Edit Transit Data form. Click on "Delete". This will permanently delete the selected transit items.
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You can view transit items by month and year as well as by a category such as meta tag, partner, asset, or scope.
To filter the spend items by month and year, select the month and year in the date range at the top left corner of the menu bar. Press enter and the view will adjust to the new date range.
To see the entire list of your spend items, click the "x" cancel symbol in the date range to delete it.
Transit items can be filtered by different categories: tag, partner, asset, scope. You can select the category to filter your view and see only the items linked to that category.
To filter your transit library view, locate the menu bar at the top of your transit library. Click on the "Filter" button to select the category you would like to view. Once you select the category you would like to view, select the sub-category in the "Select" dropdown box. This will allow you for example, to view items linked to specific tags, assets, partners, or scope categories.
Note, it is possible to filter with multiple categories at once.
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Select the scope category 1, 2, or 3 and subcategory.