
Assets are a foundational part of carbon accounting and environmental measurement in Brightest. Assets typically represent offices, sites, vehicles, equipment, and/or investments that comprise part of your organization's environmental footprint and GHG emissions inventory.

Assets can either be:

  1. Operationally controlled by you (owned field is checked and marked True)

  2. Operationally controlled by a third party like a partner or supplier (is_partner field is checked and marked True)

Table of Contents

Overview of the Asset section

How to create an Asset

Asset information fields

How to archive (remove) an Asset

Asset related export options

Asset data gap analysis & status report

For a quick video tutorial on assets, please watch:

Overview of the Asset section

The asset section opens up to your asset library where you can see all of your assets and have different viewing options and features.

Creating an asset : At the top of your asset section menu, you can add new assets using the add tool or csv file importer.

Search :Use the search function to search for specific assets in your asset library.

Operations < > All : This view allows you to see only assets that are owned or operationally controlled by your organization or to see all of the assets involved in your organizations activities, including those owned by third parties. To see only assets owned or controlled by your organization have this viewing feature switched "off".

Location < > Market : This feature allows you to select location or market-based scope 2 emission factors.

Location-based Scope 2 emissions are emissions calculated based on the average emissions intensity of a local power grid. Market-based Scope 2 emissions are emissions calculated based on a specific purchase contract or agreement for energy. Since carbon accounting should focus on accuracy, your first instinct might be to choose a market-based Scope 2 emissions calculation, because its more specific to your company. However, generally we counsel against using market-based Scope 2 measurements, and instead suggest you calculate Scope 2 emissions using the location-based method. Read more here.

Year : Filter your asset library summary view by year.

Below is a description of the columns in the asset library:


Asset Name

Name of the asset


A symbol representing the asset type


A pie chart symbol. Click on the symbol to view data analysis for that asset.

Emissions (mtCO2e)

This column shows the GHG emissions (mtCO2e) summary of that asset for the year that is being viewed.


You can assign colleagues to be responsible for an asset and entering data.


City location of the asset.


State location of the asset.


Country location of the asset.


Tags assigned to the asset.

Last updated

The date information for that asset was last modified.


The footprint page is where you can enter environmental footprint data for your asset e.g. electricity, heating, water, waste, refrigeration data etc.

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How to create an Asset

Navigate to your Sustainability Module, click on the "Asset" tab.

You can create assets using the add tool or create multiple assets at one time using the csv importer.

Using the add tool

  1. Click on the green button "Add Asset"

  2. Select the asset type from the dropdown menu and fill out the form for that asset type. See here for explanations about the form fields.

  3. Once you click save, the asset will be saved to your asset library.

Using the csv importer

  1. Click on the gray "CSV Import" button.

  2. Download the csv file template from the csv importer and fill out the template with relevant and required information.

  3. Then upload the file to the csv importer. See here for further information.

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Asset information fields

When you fill out the asset form or csv file template, you will see the followin information fields. Fill out all fields that are relevant to your asset and all fields that are required.

Not all fields will be relevant to your assets, in which case you should leave them blank unless they're required



Yes, but will be auto-generated if you don't provide a value

A unique ID. Uuid is used for mapping bulk data imports to multiple assets, so make note of your assets' Uuid value(s). For simplicity, as long as it's unique, consider using the same value as your asset's "Name" field. You can also use a value from an internal system (like a facility, finance, or inventory management system) to synchronize data that way for operational consistency.





Asset type



  • Office

  • Site

  • Transportation - Automobiles, trucks, fleets, etc.

  • Equipment - use for stationary equipment (for owned/controlled assets, fuel emissions will be allocated to Scope 1 - Stationary Combustion)

  • Mobile Equipment - use for mobile equipment such as snowmobiles, tractors, etc. (for owned/controlled assets, fuel emissions will be allocated to Scope 1 - Mobile Combustion)

  • Energy - generally, used for assets that are producing energy (such as solar panels or solar arrays), generators, or to track primarily electricity or fuel data for an asset separate from that of a main site (for example, a small building has a different electricity meter, but all other data is documented in the main site asset).

  • Food, Land & Agriculture

  • Purchased goods and services

  • Fuel and energy-related activities

  • Upstream transportation and distribution

  • Waste generated in operations

  • Business travel

  • Employee Commuting

  • Downstream transportation and distribution

  • Processing sold products

  • End-of-lifecycle products

  • Investment

  • Materials

  • Food

  • Capital goods

  • Upstream leased asset

  • Downstream leased asset

  • Franchise

  • Carbon Offsets

  • Other

Fuel type

No, but recommended for equipment, energy, and transportation (vehicle) type assets


  • Electricity

  • Natural gas

  • Oil (petroleum)

  • Diesel

  • Coal

  • Biogas

  • Biofuel (plant-based)

  • Combined heat and power

  • Solar thermal

  • Water, water heating, or hydroelectric

  • Other

  • Gasoline (vehicle)

  • Jet fuel

  • Propane

  • LPG

  • LNG

  • Biodiesel



The number of employees, staff, or workers who work with or at the asset. Important to add if using Brightest's Auto-estimate for employee commuting emissions (within Settings), or Brightest's auto-estimate for homeworking emissions.



Gross floor area in square feet or square meters Important to add if using Brightest's "Easy Space Convert" (or "Auto-Estimate Environmental Footprint" in CSV import form)

Space measurement


Unit for gross floor area measurement (square feet or meters) Important to add if using Brightest's "Easy Space Convert" (or "Auto-Estimate Environmental Footprint" in CSV import form).

Location type


Used for auto-estimating employee commuting.


  • Remote

  • Rural

  • Suburb

  • Urban

  • Downtown



Is this site own or operationally controlled by your account entity? If no, uncheck this box. This will make a large difference in how the emissions are allocated. Make sure to check this box in the form or enter "TRUE" in the csv import form if you own the asset or can claim operational control.

Utilities purchased


Does the asset purchase electricity from a third party? If True, mark yes, otherwise uncheck.

Heating purchased


Does the asset purchase heating from a third party? If True, mark yes, otherwise uncheck. If you own or control the asset, and you would like heating emissions allocated to Scope 1, make sure the "owned/controlled" box is "checked" and "uncheck" this "purchased heating" box. If you "check" the "owned/controlled" box and you also "check" the "Heating purchased" box, the heating emissions will be allocated to Scope 2 by default. If you would like all natural gas heating emissions allocated to Scope 1. You can select this in Edit ESG and Sustainability Settings.

Clean power


A float number representing the percentage of clean energy the site uses. For example, if the site is using solar PV energy for 50% of its electricity, set the value to "50" If you enter a percentage in this field, that percentage of emissions for the metrics selected (electricity, heating, or water) will be not be calculated and will not be added to your emissions inventory.

Clean power electricity


Is the site generated renewable electricity?

Clean power heating


Is the site generated renewable heat (e.g. geothermal)?

Clean power water


Is the site hydroelectric (on-site) or accessing its own water source (non-municipal)?

Is remote


Do employees work remotely at this site or office? Important if using Brightest's auto-estimate for employee commuting emissions (within Settings). Or Brightest's auto-estimate for homeworking emissions.

Remote percentage


What percentage of employees work remotely on average? Important if using Brightest's auto-estimate for employee commuting emissions (within Settings), or Brightest's auto-estimate for homeworking emissions.

Office days per week


The average number of office days per week for remote employees Important if using Brightest's auto-estimate for employee commuting emissions (within Settings), or Brightest's auto-estimate for homeworking emissions.

Location street


Street address

Location city


Location state


State, province, or territory

Location country


Location zip


Zip or postal code

Google place id


Google Geocode ID. Leave blank, as Brightest will auto-generate this for you if address/location info is provided



Does this site or asset have dedicated managers (users in your account)?

Real Estate Asset


Is this asset a real estate property or investment?

Tenant Occupancy or Use %


What percentage of the asset's resources are used by tenants. Only applicable in real estate or if you sub-lease space.

Tenant use waste


Yes/no. Are tenants using this resource?

Tenant use water


Yes/no. Are tenants using this resource?

Tenant use heating


Yes/no. Are tenants using this resource?

Tenant use electricity


Yes/no. Are tenants using this resource?

Include embodied carbon


Do you want to calculate and include Scope 3 embodied carbon for this building? Typically used in real estate and construction

Construction date


Real estate status


Set to "Acquired post build" unless you were involved in the construction or sale of the asset

Acquired date


Date you acquired the asset or started your lease

Sold date


Date the asset was sold, if applicable



Float field representing the % of asset space that is currently occupied (e.g., occupancy rate). For example, if 50% of a building (site) asset is empty, set to "50"

Is partner


Is this asset controlled by a 3rd party?



Specific third party who controls the asset, if applicable. This will link to a Brightest "Partner" in your account

Capacity allocation


Float field

Transportation type

No, unless asset is type Transportation


  • Bike

  • Boat

  • Bus

  • Car

  • E-Bike

  • Electric Scooter

  • Electric Bus

  • Electric Vehicle (Car)

  • Electric Van

  • Electric Truck

  • Hybrid Vehicle

  • Flight

  • Motorbike

  • Public Transportation

  • Ship

  • Train

  • Truck

  • Van

  • Walking

  • Helicopter

  • Other

Auto-Estimate Environmental Footprint


If you can't collect data for an asset like an office or site, Brightest can auto-estimate it for you using average commercial building data



Amount in reporting currency if associated with an investment (i.e., 1000000 for $1,000,000)

Investment Currency


Currency for designated amount

Investment or Asset Class Type


To edit an asset you've already created, click on the asset's name in your asset table.

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How to archive (remove) an Asset

If an asset is no longer relevant for your organization's reporting, you can remove the asset by archiving it. This is essentially a "soft deletion" of the asset. The asset item along with all of its data will be moved into the archived section.

To archive an asset:

  1. Navigate to your Sustainability Module -> Assets Tab

  2. Check the box next to the asset or assets you want to archive (remove from your reporting).

  3. Click on the three line bulk edit widget in the top right menu bar.

  4. Click on the orange option button "Archive"

  5. That asset will be stored in the Archive section.

  6. To view your archived assets, click on the button with the three dots, next to the export button in the top right menu bar.

  7. Click on "Archived Assets".

  8. You will be directed to your archived assets.

  9. To reactive an asset, navigate to the "Archived Assets". Click on the "activate" button in the "Footprint" column of the asset you want to reactivate. To bulk reactivate multiple assets at once, check the box next to the assets you want to reactive. Click on the three bar bulk edit widget in the top right menu bar. Click on "Activate" in the pop-up menu.

  10. Your asset along with its data will be reactivated and moved back to your Assets library.

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Export TypeDescription

CSV Export

This will export a csv file listing all of your assets that you've created in Brightest along with all of the information entered in their asset information/creation forms (for example, Asset Name, Description, Owned/Controlled, Address, etc.)

GHG Report

This will export a pdf with your organization's total Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

Asset Report

This will export a csv file containing all metric data that has been entered into the asset footprint pages.

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Asset Data Gap & Status Report

The Asset Data Gap and Status Report is helpful tool to see the status of data collection for each asset.

The report will shows:

  • The data collection status of each of the main footprint metrics (Electricity, Heating, Fuel, Water, and Waste)

  • If there is linked data - meaning if there is any data linked to the asset in the Transit or Spend tabs

  • The username of the last person to edit the footprint data for that asset and when it was last edited

The completion percentage is based on the time periods of the data entered. For example, if you've entered data for 6 months out the year, the percentage should show that your data collection is 50% complete (for each metric that you submit data for).

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