Uploading Utility Invoices
Asset Footprint Data Upload
Last updated
Asset Footprint Data Upload
Last updated
Linking Invoices to Activity Data
If you would like Brightest's AI to automatically create footprint activity data from scanned invoices (OCR) you can toggle this setting "on" in the GHG settings located in your ESG and Sustainability Settings.
Please be advised this is an experimental AI feature. We recommend reviewing any auto-created data for accuracy.
If the AI is unable to read the activity data on the invoice, the invoice will still be scanned and imported in the "Invoices" tab of the asset footprint. You can then manually add the metric data in the necessary tab (electricity, heating, etc.) and follow the steps below to link the invoice.
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To upload utility invoices for an asset, navigate to the Sustainability Module, then click on the "Assets" tab. This will open to your Asset library.
Locate the asset for which you would like to upload utility invoices.
Click on the "add" or "edit" data in the far right column titled "Footprint". This will open to the asset's footprint page.
You will notice the option to select a footprint category in the menu bar in the middle of the page. Click on the tab "Invoices". This will open up the invoice library for that asset.
Click on the "Import" button to upload your invoice. You will then be able to drag and drop your invoices into the upload field. Brightest's AI invoice importer supports any PDF or image file up to 10 pages and 10MB per file.
Once your invoices are uploaded to your invoice library, they will also be added as a "spend" item in the "Spend" section of your Sustainability Module.
Refresh the page to view the uploaded invoice data.
Brightest invoice scanning supports the following languages and currencies:
Languages (Language code in ISO 639-1) format: ca
, de
, en
, es
, fr
, it
, nl
and pt
Currencies (Currency code in ISO 4217) format: USD
The "invoice" library of an asset is linked to your Spend Section in your Sustainability Module and has similar editing and viewing features.
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If you want to edit the spend or invoice data, select the white "edit" symbol to edit each entry as needed.
If you would like to bulk edit your invoice data, select the invoices that you would like to edit, and select the bulk edit button (the three horizontal lines between the filter and import buttons). Then use the bulk edit menu to choose the correct field, add the new value, and select save. You can also use the bulk edit option to bulk delete invoices, if needed. Please note: Any invoice data that is deleted will not be able to be restored.
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If you'd like to link an invoice to an asset footprint metric, you can upload your invoices first, using the steps above and then follow the directions below, or you can attach each invoice separately to each entry.
Select the tab of the metric you would like to add (Electricity, Heating, Water, etc.). Then select, "+ Add data" in the Metric Historical Data section.
You then have the option to upload a new document (if you haven't already uploaded your invoices, or if you just want to be able to reference the document for auditing purposes), OR you can link the metric to an existing invoice or transaction. If you decide to link an existing invoice, you'll be given a dropdown menu to select which invoice you'd like to attach. Select "Done" to attach your document. Select the green "Update and Save Data" button to save your data. Once your document has been attached, you'll see the word "Document" underneath the document button, you can then use that view and download the attached invoice. If you've linked an existing invoice, you'll then see the metric attached to the transaction in the invoices tab as well as in the Spend Tab of your Sustainability Module.
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Enter your historical data including the metric unit, amount, and period interval. Then select the document button .