
Within Brightest, users have the capability to include a materiality assessment for goals. This is done by creating a goal that represents or is linked to one of your materiality themes or pillars.

Note: Materiality is only accessible with select subscriptions.

A first step to creating a materiality matrix is conducting a materiality assessment to determine which topics are material to your organization. A materiality assessment can be done by using the Survey Module to create and send materiality surveys to your organization’s stakeholders.

The Materiality Matrix feature in the Materiality Module is a way for you to visualize the data collected in your materiality survey. It is not an interactive analysis feature, meaning it does not collect data directly from your materiality assessment. You will need to enter the values from your assessment into the materiality form fields.

To link a materiality theme or pillar to a goal, toggle the "Do you want to include this goal in materiality analysis?" switch "on" in your Goal Creation Form.

  • Importance to "Your Organization" - Enter a number between 1 and 7 indicating how important this goal is to your organization, with 1 being not important and 7 being very important.

  • Importance to Stakeholders - Enter a number between 1 and 7 indicating how important this goal is to stakeholders, with 1 being not important and 7 being very important.

  • "Your Organization"'s Ability To Positively Influence - Enter a number between 1 and 7 indicating the ability your organization has to positively influence this goal, with 1 being not much influence and 7 being a lot of influence.

  • Materiality Theme - This will be a list of the tags that you created in the Brightest Tag Management area in Settings (How to create tags document). You can attach those materiality themes or pillar tags to your goals and view them in your materiality matrix.

Once you've added materiality to a goal, you can view the Goal Materiality Matrix in the Materiality Module.

  1. Navigate to the Materiality Module

  2. Click on the "Matrix"

  3. Select "Goal Materiality" next to the option "Generate matrix from". This will show your organization's Goal Materiality matrix. The importance to your stakeholders is on the y-axis and the importance to your organization is on the x-axis. The rating scale is from 1 to 10; 1 is least important and 10 is most important. The bubble size is in relation to your organization's ability to positively influence the material theme.

Last updated